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Roadworks and the start of the new school term

Many of you will have seen that the area around The Green is busy with roadworks at the moment and tomorrow is the start of term for many schools, including the Junior School located behind The Green.

Whilst it is unfortunate timing for the roadworks to start just before the start of term, the benefits  of the completed scheme will make up for the temporary disruption and inconvenience. Details here: Improvements to The Green

For non-parents it might well be wise to avoid the area – if at all possible – whilst the works are in progress but certainly allow extra time for your journey if not especially if you can’t avoid the peak drop off time of 8:30-9am.

For parents of children at the Junior School, you may be aware of the initiatives taking place to make the area around The Green safer for the approach to the School Gate – from which everyone will benefit (Traffic Management on The Green). If you can, why not start the school term by walking or riding to school? Not everyone can, but while the weather holds it should be a pleasant walk through our village and is a good habit to get in to – with the added benefit of free exercise.

Either way, patience is going to be required whilst the roadworks are in progress and journeys will take longer – so be prepared.


3 comments on “Roadworks and the start of the new school term

  1. I hope that the new pavements, especially next to the Co-op will be protected from lazy people parking on them adjacent to the shop entrance particularly as one parking space on The Green has been lost.

  2. Why has the work started on 3 fronts, when there are only workman on the Coop side of station rd. As usual there is no consideration given to minimize disruption by the county. The kerb by the green in particular has been dug up, fenced and coned off with no work taking place. I bet it will remain this way until the other 2 kerbs are completed (on station road).

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