A different meeting this year – nine new Councillors, new Committees, new roles – so whilst being very administrative, so very different.
With the lifting of COVID restrictions, the session started with time for new Councillors and old to meet and talk over refreshments, with extras brought in by Councillors.
The meeting started with electing the Parish Council Chair and Vice-Chair. Neither position was contested, and Denis Payne was elected as Chair, with Yvonne Murray as Vice-Chair.
Because of the Council’s rules (“Standing Orders”) this would be Denis’ last year as Chair, and he took the opportunity to welcome new Councillors, and look forward to an exciting year that had started with the Annual Parish Meeting that was distinctly different, exciting, and interesting.
Having confirmed the critical appointments of Proper Officer (Chelsea O’Brien) and Responsible Financial Officer (Theresa King) the meeting moved on to electing Councillors to the new Committees. These Committees have started afresh with the new Council and are structured to better match community needs,
Wellbeing, Recreation & Leisure Committee attracted the most volunteers, both from new and existing Councillors. The Committee replaces the previous Recreation Committee with a wider remit. It includes Youth engagement, and a new Councillor brings specific expertise in that area.
County Councillor Ros Hathorn shared her annual report. In addition, following her blog on County’s plans for road surface treatments, she reported that sorting out the problems of New Road (IVC) was still a possibility. However, this would be dependent on the level input from the community. If you have views here, contact her at ros.hathorn@cambridgeshire.gov.uk
All the new District Councillors attended the meeting, Pippa Heylings, Martin Cahn and Sunita Hansraj. Cllr Heylings reported that South Cambridgeshire is leading and welcoming and homing of Ukranian refugees.