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New precept for 2014/15

At its meeting this month the Parish Council set a precept for 2014/15 which is 7.3% higher than the one for 2013/14. This will result in a total precept for a Band D property for the year of £87.67, an average increase of just under £6 across the two villages.

The Parish Council has an ambitious program for 2014/15 with a budget of £462,126. This is a big increase over 2013/14 and includes funding for the possible acquisition and development of Bypass Farm.

No decision has been made yet to proceed with the Bypass Farm plans. This will be decided at a Parish Council meeting later in the year and will be advertised.

The Parish Council’s program will be financed with £58,085 income,  £117,350 being taken from specific reserves and the remainder from precept.

It had been expected that South Cambs District Council would provide a grant to the Parish Council for ‘Council Tax support’. South Cambs has received the money from Central Government which has asked that it be passed onto parish councils. However South Cambs has chosen not to do this although it did pass on this grant in 2013/14. This leaves Histon & Impington Parish Council out of pocket to the tune of £19,288. The increase in the precept is to replace this grant. No more and no less.

Click here for the details of the 2014/15 budget and precept setting or view the slide show below. Click here for the paper that went to the Council.

If you have any questions and/or comments about the budget and the resulting precept please email David Jenkins or Denis Payne. Alternatively David will be at the Parish Office on Friday, 24 Jan 14, between 1030 and 1200. You can drop in and talk to him then. Alternatively please call the Parish Office (01223 235906) and make an appointment

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