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HICovid19 weekly digest (11 Jun 20)

There was an excellent response to the survey and there’s a summary of its result and an analysis thereof online at https://wp.me/p2piLb-1I6. In summary: it seems we have escaped the worst of the virus but we are likely to experience more in terms of economic fall-out and we need to be wary of its impact on our collective mood.

Whilst the shops on the High Street etc are always visible it’s worth noting that many of our tradespeople who do jobs in our homes are also back in business and doing so in a fully ‘Covid compliant’ manner. So now may be just the time to get jobs done by local painters & decorators, plumbers, electricians, gardeners and the like.

    • The Co-Op, Tesco and the Post Office on the High Street are back to normal opening hours. The Station Stores is open for longer hours as well.
    • Printout will be reopening for visiting customers on Monday 15 Jun 20
    • Stagecoach has announced a new timetable with more services on the Busway but beware you can no longer use your bus pass during the morning peak
    • For those who like a little adventure: you can see the tigers at Shepreth Zoo again starting next Monday 15 Jun 20
    • The King Bill and the Red Lion are expanding their take-away offers with food on Friday and Saturday (Guerrilla Kitchen and Pizza Mondo respectively) at the former and fish & chips on Wednesdays at the latter
      • For those who like their food delivered Boxed Events is offering a splendid choice with free delivery in Histon & Impington
    • There’s even talk of being able to get your hair done early in July at Bechecombers.

Finally a couple of key messages to keep in mind

Stay alert and look out for people who may find it difficult during these times. People do get depressed and worse and often don’t ask for help. Show a helping hand and be kind. If appropriate contact the HI Friends mental health hotline on 01223 320420; and

We are very fortunate in Histon & Impington in having a very low level of infection and being so well-served by our shops and services. The lockdown has eased but it’s not over so please continue to follow the rules. Social distancing is still vitally important. It might also be useful to use a face covering if you’re inside our shops.

Click here to download a pdf of this digest.

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